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Negatív tőzsdei áramár alakult ki Magyarországon – forrás.: HUPX 2023.07.31 / 2023.07.31 Biblio, dr Mező közlés

Júniusban negatív áramár alakult ki a magyar tőzsdén. Tavaly júniushoz viszonyítva megduplázódott a hazai villamosenergiatermelés, ami jelentkezett az áramárban is. Véleményünk szerint a negatív ár ösztönzi a szereplőket az energiatárolással összefüggő beruházások végrehajtására.

 Az áramkereskedői szerződésekben kulcskérdés a negatív ár kezelése a kiegyenlítő energia költség miatt. A negatív ár természetesen nem „rázza meg” a szereplőket, azt jelenti hogy komoly fejlesztési potenciál is rejlik a piacban még (energiatárolás, kiegyenlítőenergia gazdálkodás, határkeresztező kapacitás növelése).

Véleményünk szerint a negatív ár technológia hiányosságaira utal, egyetlen szereplő számára sem megnyugtató a negatív ártüskék akár rövid ideig történő kialakulása sem. Ez nem magyar sajátosság, minden olyan piacon kialakult, ahol jelentős megújuló energia kapacitás épült fel.

A negatív ár azt jelenti, hogy a megtermelt villamos energiát nem tudták sem exportálni, sem tárolni.

A szabályozó figyelemmel kíséri a negatív ártüskék kialakulását, ezért arra lehet számítani, hogy az energiatárolással kapcsolatos kötelezettségek hangsúlyosabbak lesznek.

A június 4-i negatív árközlés:

Az alábbiakban a HUPX vonatkozó hírlevelét változtatás nélkül közöljük

Dear Partner,

In the past issue we were proudly speaking about our intraday records in Q1.
Since then, it doesn’t stop to break records in every single month, the number of members is constantly growing, solar boom is experienced in Hungary, where automated trading plays a vital role, while European intraday auctions (IDAs) are expected to come next year.
In this issue let us share with you the gemstones of the past period!

Soaring intraday:

April intraday monthly record: 495 GWh
May intraday monthly record: 582 GWh
June intraday monthly record: 671 GWh

In April traded volumes on the intraday market were picked up primarily in the peak period, while it went down in the off-peak hours. In this period traders preferred the quarterly hour product, which is seen in the 28% MoM increase in traded volumes. This clearly reflects that PV capacities are growing exponentially in Hungary.
Compared to last year’s June the overall HUPX IDM monthly volume almost doubled. Local trading between HUPX members couldn’t keep up with the surge of cross-border trading activity. Trading with the Austrian market saw a rise in both directions. The biggest driving forces behind that are Germany, Austria and France.

Intraday auctions are around the corner!
Continuous…full stop. Continuous…full stop. Continuous…full stop. Continuous…

A single cross-zonal intraday auction market is arising, enabling the pricing of intraday capacities. The aim of the methodology is to price the scarce of cross-border capacities, which cannot be realized in continuous trading. It also further strengthens the competitiveness of EU electricity markets.
2024 Q2 will bring three intraday auctions (IDAs) per day in parallel with the traditional intraday continuous market.
Learn more here and follow us to keep up with the news!


Solar boom in Hungary

There is a visible growing tendency in the Hungarian PV generation. 2023 Q3 generation is expected to exceed last year’s level. The ratio of PV in the energy mix is also increasing.

What are the effects on DAM market?
Let’s study 4 June, which was a day extremely high in PV production.
On this day long system was experienced in the peak periods.
This resulted the situation that HU export – BL prices were close or even under 0.

Market Coupling outlook 
The Core Flow-Based Market Coupling went live more than a year ago. On this occasion, our experts went after the effects of this pan-European market coupling on price convergency. Here are the main findings:

  • HUPX-EPEX/DE absolute spread began to grow at the beginning of 2022, since the growth of the price level, but at the start of 2023 it began to decrease.
  • The relative spread has been showing a decreasing tendency since 2016, and the ratio of the two markets is under 20%.

We are pleased to welcome the following companies on our markets:

To check our members list please click here!

We are pleased to welcome the following companies on our green marketplace:

 To check our members list please click here!

HUPX Meet Up

HUPX held its annual gathering titled Future of Power Trading – Data, Automation, Algorithms, on 1 June 2023 in Budapest.
The focus of the event was automated trading, and it featured presentations and talks involving HUPX’s trading members, technology service providers and forecast agencies. The discussions covered intraday trading solutions, challenges and consequences of automating intraday trading and the future of trading on short-term markets as well.

Key take-aways:

  • Algo trading will bring a new generation to trading in the energy markets.
  • Algorithms help the work of traders. It is impossible to follow multiple screens, markets, data sources and also optimizing portfolios in real-time with traditional processes.
  • The work of people who understand data/data pipelines will become extremely important. It is a special combination to find data scientists/programmers who also have domain knowledge.
  • The human resource will not be out of scope due to automation and AI. We will need people who presses the stop button, determines trading strategies, oversee algorithms.



The melting pot of Central and South Eastern European traders, ETCSEE – Energy Trading Central & South Eastern Europe was a joyful get together again in Vienna.
CEO of HUPX, Mátyás Vajta presented about Power exchanges: market coupling and renewable integration. If you did not visit our booth, here is what you’ve missed out >>.

Market c17.jpgoupling and RES integration

Read the presentation of Mátyás Vajta, held at the ETCSEE in June about how market coupling serves the growth of European spot electricity markets! >> 

Shift of focus – intraday in the spotlight

Didn’t you attend the HUPX Meet Up? Read the presentation of György Istvánffy about HUPX Intraday market tendencies! >>


György Istvánffy was appointed as the new CEO of HUDEX Hungarian Derivative Energy Exchange Ltd. as of 17 June 2023. Gyuri faces a complex mix of duties, as he will keep his previous positions as the Director of HUPX Markets and HUDEX Board Member.
We would like to congratulate Gyuri and wish him lots of energy for his new endeavours!

Happy birthday HUPX GO!

The HUPX GO market celebrated its 1st birthday. We made cheers with a green, healthy juice, and stopped for a moment to realise how far we have come within one year. We are extremely proud and thankful to our colleagues, our members and our followers for coming with us on this green journey.

We run the business

210 km in 19 hours 23 minutes around the Hungarian Sea: Lake Balaton. Ultrabalaton running competition was a great opportunity to show how the energy flows all day and night through our exchanges. We congratulate our colleagues from HUPX, CEEGEX Central Eastern European Gas Exchange Ltd., who fulfilled this challenge as a great team!

CEEGEX provides services in spot gas trading, while HUDEX is our company for futures trading in power and gas segments. Meet them!


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  7. Negatív tőzsdei áramár alakult ki Magyarországon – forrás.: HUPX 2023.07.31 / 2023.07.31 Biblio, dr Mező…